Sleeping Must Be Overrated...

To everyone who lives in Fort Saint John, don't be mad at the cop who uses his sirens to pull everyone over that is out driving past midnight.  He might be telling them, "You should be at home sleeping right now instead of being out driving around or still out working for the oil field."
 But really what difference does it make if we're out driving or TRYING to sleep?  Either way we're still awake when he's working the night shift.  Although he's the only one keeping the whole town up, the cop isn't the only one keeping Fred and I awake at night... there's also the newborn in the apartment above us and the drinks who get into fights in the street outside our window or who come stumbling into the apartment building laugh/talking loudly until they crash somewhere in one of two places: 1) their apartment or 2) a friends apartment.  Of course, the smell of pot use to make it hard to sleep on the weekends, but you get use to that after a time.

Life in an apartment is very interesting at times and to it's credit you definitely learn how to live with all kinds of people.  I guess the same could be said about living in town.  You have to learn to endure that sleepless week while the one cop is on his rotation of the night shift and wait till he's on the day shift again so that you can sleep without his siren waking you up every couple minutes.  You learn to be thankful for the times when he's not working and you learn to hope that, in time, he will learn to just flash his lights and not use his siren to just pull people over with. Until then, try to sleep well, everyone.  Remember you have a long day of work ahead of you and you need your sleep. ;)


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